DD4hep Meeting February 6th, 2025
Present: A.Sailer, M.Frank, T.Madlehner, Peter McKneown
Apologies: A.Tolosa Delgado
Link to minutes of previous meeting
Merged PRs
- PR1378: Use standard locations if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ROOTSYS are empty (Andriish)
- PR1397: g4GraphicalScan.py: produce 2d scan of models, using g4 material description (Daniel Jeans)
==> Tool to create nice geometry scans:

Pending Problems
- ISSUE1392: DD4hep installation fails if Intel compiler is used for compilation
==> Should we support icc ?
Pending PRs:(no changes since last meeting):
- PR1240: Add multithreading support to ddsim
- PR1304: SurfaceManager: lazily construct surface maps on demand (Leonhard Reichenbach)
- PR1314: Cylinder segment surface (Armin Ilg)
New Pending PRs:
- PR1370: Feature celeritas integration (Sakib Rahman/EIC)
PR1377: Use canonical variables for the installation locations of libraries and binaries (Andriish)
==> Idea to have an additional DD4HEP_PLUGIN_PATH and remove dd4hep plugins fdrom the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Closed issues and fixed problems
ISSUE1379: Discussion: Evolution of edm4hep and dd4hep enhancement (Markus)
==> No real results. Will close this issue.
- ISSUE1391: DD4Hep installation paths do not adhere common standards.
- ISSUE1393: function ( fill_dd4hep_library_path ) uses incorrect locations of libraries
(andriish ==> Locked out from conversation)
- ISSUE1394: digis (Sarah Eno)
- ISSUE1395: multiple g4MaterialScans
Round Table
Andre: New tag created 1.31
Markus: NTR
Thomas: NTR
Peter: NTR
Next meeting: February 20th, 2025
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